Weather Forecast – Rain Radar – Radar de lluvias for Valencia

Real-time weather satellite images showing rainfall for the Valencia and Costa Blanca North area of Spain.

Blue areas are light rainfall, red areas are very intense rainfall.
Note that the radar images will show some “interference”, usually in the form of “straight lines” of rain.

August is the hottest month in Costa Blanca with an average temperature of 29°C (84°F) and the coldest is January at 11°C (52°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 12 in July. The wettest month is November with an average of 42mm of rain. The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 25°C (77°F).

The Gota fría

Gota fría, or “cold drop”, is a weather phenomenon usually occurring in the Spanish autumn.

The Gota fría can take place after the summer months when the sea temperature is still high, but the temperature in upper airstreams suddenly drops. The warm air, saturated with water vapour, rises and cools too quickly when meeting the upper airstreams. The result is extremely intense rainfall, accompanied by high winds (up to 140 km/h), hail and thunderstorms. Areas can be flooded quickly, with roads becoming rivers, and there is a serious threat to lives and property. Hailstones can be very large, about the size of a tennis ball, which can cause injury to people, and damage to cars – lots of windscreens have to be replaced after a Goto Fria.

A gota fría is more intense on or close to the coast, and can be powerful enough to uproot trees. It is not an annual event, in fact an actual Gota fría can be quite a rare occurrence. Some people confuse a general rainstorm as the Gota fría. Sometimes the forecasters warn of a Gota Fria, but the storm that appears may not be a Goto Fria, although bearing a resemblance to Gota Fria conditions.

rain radar rain costa blanca