Five is MOVING from Astra 2a to 2d
Something is happening with Five
If you have a Sky card registered in the Wales or West of England, then you may be experiencing difficulties in the reception of FIVE.
This is because the version of FIVE that serves this area has now stopped being transmitted from its “nice and easy Sky card” frequency of 12422H 27.5 2/3 and has been allocated the Freesat versions of FIVE – on 10773 H 22 5/6.
This means that this version of FIVE is only available as the same time as BBC2.
You can always programme into your “other channels” the other version of FIVE – 12422H 27.5 2/3 where there are still 3 other UK version of Five – North East and South.
Could this be the first stage of FIVE becoming totally Free to Air (as I have mentioned a few times before)in conjunction with the UKs Digital Switch over process??
Could this mean the end of the Freesat From Sky cards, as now all FIve main channels are now available on the Sky receivers?
I know this as my card is registered in the west of England!!
Will try to keep you posted as soon as I know…
If you have lost Channels Five – and are getting “No Satellite Signal” then your card may well be registered at a UK address in Wales or the West of England.
Therefore you may not be able to access FIVE, as your regional version is now on the same frequency, and therefore has the same availbility as, BBC2.
Howver you can add the other regions to your Sky box of FIVE as below
On your Sky remote control:
Press Services
Press 4
Press 4
Type in the Frequency of
And go to Find CHannels and Press Select.
On this frequency sites the other 3 FIVE regions.
Press the Yellow button and you wil place a TICK next to the top FIVE.
Press Select – and you get the channel line up complete.
You have now added a Sky card, strong signal FIVE to your Other Channels list.
To access this Press Services, and go to your Other Channels list and select FIVE.
Note if you have a Sky+ or Sky HD box then you will not be able to record any of the channels in your Other Channels list.
Confirmation about which Channel Five regional version has been affected.
It is region 2 that has moved. This covers everywhere outside Northern England, Scotland, and London.
Region 1: London
Region 2: South, Midlands, East, Wales, Northern Ireland
Region 3: North
region 4: Scotland
Not so sure about what defines the boundaries of region 1 and 3 though….