Sky Atlantic Frequency – New Sky Channel
Sky Atlantic SD is available on Sky channel 108 from 9pm tonight.
Sky Atlantics frequency (for Standard definition) is:
Frequency: 12285
Polarisation: V
Symbol Rate: 27500
FEC: 2/3
Currently tagged as 4712.
It is on Astra 2A, on a south beam signal footprint, so nice and easy to receive for us Expats in Spain!
Sky boxes should automatically update themselves for this new channel
Sky Atlantics frequency (for High definition)
Sky Atlantics frequency (for high definition) is:
Frequency: 12343
Polarisation: H
Symbol Rate: 29500
FEC: 3/4
It is on Astra 2B, on a south beam signal footprint, so nice and easy to receive for us Expats in Spain!
Note that Sky Atlantic, Sky TVs new channel on 108, IS NOT available to Freeview or Freesat or Freesatfromsky.
It will only be availble to Sky subscribers.