Film4 HD and More4HD coming soon to Sky HD
Two new High Definition channels, Film4 HD and More4HD, to set to join Sky+HD.
This means Film4HD and More4 HD will only be available to Sky HD subbscribers.
They will not be available to Freesat HD users.
Following on from the launch of Channel 4 HD and E4 HD, both of which first launched to UK viewers through the Sky platform, two further channels will become available to Sky’s 4.3 million high definition customers for the first time – Film4 HD and More 4 HD.
This will complete the HD roll-out of Channel 4’s core channel portfolio, which began in 2006 when Channel 4 became the first commercial Public Service Broadcaster to launch an HD service.
This means that Sky homes will be able to access 66 HD channels, further extending Sky’s HD leadership. Sky+HD is Europe’s most comprehensive and popular HD service.
Film4 HD and More4HD coming soon to Sky HD — No Comments
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