Sky News / Pick TV changing frequency this week.
The frequency used for Sky News and Pick TV (and a few other Sky channels) is changing this week.
Currently the frequency 12207 V has an FEC of 2/3.
On the 16th April 2015 at 0430, the FEC for this frequency will change to 5/6
Users with Sky, Sky+,Sky HD and Sky+HD digiboxes will not have to do anything, as their boxes will automatically update to the new frequencies.
Similarly, users with Freesat receivers will also not have to do anything, as their boxes will automatically update to the new frequencies.
However, if you are using another type of satellite receiver, like a such as GI, Galaxy Innovations, Iberosat, Ferguson Ariva, will have to manually update the frequency / transponder settings in the receiver, and then perform a scan of the transponder with the new settings.
If not then you will lose access to the following channels :
Sky Sports 5, Sky Sports 2, Sky News, Sky News Ireland, Pick TV, Pick TV+1, Sky Two, Community Channel
Hi I’m in Tenerife and lost sky news on sky box and 1m dish today please do you have any idea what frequency I should change transponder to thanks
Sky News is on sky channel 501, (and / or 516). The sky box will automatically update to the new frequency. Which, as you have found out, the new frequency means you can no longer receive this channel on your size dish where you are.
Changing the default transponder frequency does nothing for channel reception.
My TV has stopped working days no signal being received. We have 2 tv’s and the other one has no problem .We are in the Valencia area .I have been reading your pages and wonder if mine has changed frequency?The one still working is much newer. Can you help?Please?
If one system is getting a signal, and the other is not, then it is possible a blown output on the LNB, a cable connection problem (at the LNB or receiver), or a cable issue (old cable with cracks letting in water??)
Not many frequency changes have been made…most BBC ITV C4 and Five channels are on the same frequencies they have been on for years.