Covid 19 : Phase 1 BOE “for the relaxation of certain national restrictions” for Spain – full text in English
Covid 19 : Phase 1 BOE “for the relaxation of certain national restrictions” in Spain
Order SND / 399/2020, of May 9, for the relaxation of certain national restrictions, established after the declaration of the state of alarm in application of phase 1 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality.
Due to the rapid evolution of the public health emergency situation caused by COVID-19, nationally and internationally, the Government, under the provisions of Article 4, sections b) and d) of the Law Organic 4/1981, of June 1, of the States of Alarm, Exception and Site, declared, by Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, the state of alarm throughout the national territory in order to face the health crisis, which has been extended on four occasions, the last on the occasion of Royal Decree 514/2020, of May 8, until 00:00 on May 24, 2020, in the terms expressed in said regulation.
Article 4.2.d) of the aforementioned Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, determines that, for the exercise of the functions provided for therein and under the highest direction of the President of the Government, the Minister of Health shall have the status of delegated competent authority, both in its own area of responsibility and in other areas that do not fall within the specific sphere of competence of the other Ministers designated as delegated competent authority for the purposes of this royal decree.
Specifically, in accordance with the provisions of article 4.3 of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, the Minister of Health is empowered to issue orders, resolutions, provisions and interpretive instructions that, within its scope of action as delegated authority, are necessary to guarantee the provision of all services, ordinary or extraordinary, in order to protect people, property and places, by adopting any of the measures provided for in article eleven of Organic Law 4/1981 , from June 1.
For its part, article 7.1 of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, limits the freedom of movement of people to certain cases, contemplating in its section 6 that the Minister of Health may, based on the evolution of the health emergency, issue orders and instructions in relation to the activities and displacements referred to in sections 1 to 4 of that article, with the scope and territorial scope determined in those.
Likewise, article 10 of the aforementioned Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, contains the containment measures in the field of establishments and commercial premises, hotel and restaurant activities, or archives, among others, considering its section 6 an authorization to Minister of Health to modify, extend or restrict the measures, places, establishments and activities listed in the previous sections, for justified reasons of public health, and may therefore extend this suspension to those other assumptions deemed necessary.
At the present time, Spain has begun a process of gradual reduction of the extraordinary measures to restrict mobility and social contact established by the aforementioned Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14. Thus, on April 28, 2020, the Council of Ministers adopted the Plan for the transition to a new normality that establishes the main parameters and instruments for achieving normality. This process, divided into four phases, phase 0 to phase 3, must be gradual and adaptable to the necessary changes in orientation depending on the evolution of epidemiological data and the impact of the measures adopted.
The fundamental objective of the aforementioned Plan for the transition is to ensure that, while preserving public health, daily life and economic activity are gradually recovered, minimizing the risk that the epidemic represents to the health of the population and preventing the capacities of the National System of Health can overflow.
Also, according to what is stated in article 3 of Royal Decree 514/2020, of May 8, in application of the Plan for de-escalation of the extraordinary measures adopted to face the pandemic of COVID-19, approved by the Council of Ministers At its meeting on April 28, 2020, the Minister of Health, at the proposal, where appropriate, of the autonomous communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, and in view of the evolution of health, epidemiological, and social indicators, economic and mobility, may agree, within its competence, the progression of the applicable measures in a certain territorial area, without prejudice to the authorizations granted to the rest of the competent delegated authorities. The regression of the measures to those provided for in Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, will be made, where appropriate,
In this sense, the empowerment of the Minister of Health and the other delegated competent authorities refers to de-escalation measures in all areas of activity affected by the restrictions established in the declaration of the state of alarm and its successive extensions.
For all these reasons, and in view of the current epidemiological situation of the health crisis, it is appropriate to make certain measures more flexible for certain territorial units.
Likewise, it should be noted that the measures that are now established may be complemented by those that in the field of transport, interior and defense are approved by the other delegated authorities in the exercise of the authorizations provided for in Royal Decree 463/2020, of 14 of March.
Among the main measures established by this order, it is worth mentioning, first of all, a series of measures to guarantee the protection of workers in their workplace, as well as to avoid the concentration of people at certain times.
In the social sphere, it is allowed to circulate through the province, island or territorial unit of reference for the purposes of the de-escalation process. Likewise, the measures for the containment of the disease applicable to funerals and funerals, established by Order SND / 298/2020, of March 29, are established, which establish exceptional measures in relation to funerals and funeral ceremonies for limit the spread and contagion by COVID-19, provided that the conditions of prevention and hygiene established in this order are respected. Likewise, attendance at places of worship is allowed as long as it does not exceed one third of its capacity.
In the area of retail trade and service provision, the opening of retail premises and establishments is maintained as long as they have an area equal to or less than 400 square meters, and with the exception of those located within parks or shopping centers without direct and independent access from the outside. Likewise, they may proceed to reopen it to the public, through the use of the previous appointment, the automotive dealers, the technical inspection stations of vehicles and the garden centers and plant nurseries whatever their exhibition surface, as well as the public gaming concession entities at the state level.
Likewise, in this area, the safety and hygiene conditions applicable to the supply of food products and basic necessities are established through the street vendor supply network (flea markets).
Regarding the development of hospitality and restaurant activities, the reopening to the public of the outdoor terraces of the hotel and restaurant establishments is established. The maximum occupancy allowed will be ten people per table or group of tables, limiting to fifty percent the number of tables allowed with respect to the immediately previous year. Likewise, the necessary prevention and hygiene measures to be adopted are regulated.
In terms of social services, the opening of all the centers included in the Reference Catalog of Social Services, approved by the Territorial Council of Social Services and the System for Autonomy and Care for Dependency, is provided so that in The same can be carried out the face-to-face care of those citizens who need it, paying special attention to the therapy, rehabilitation, early care and day care services for people with disabilities and / or in situations of dependency.
In education, the educational and university centers may be opened for disinfection, conditioning and for the performance of administrative functions. Likewise, the reopening of university laboratories for their own functions is provided.
The applicable measures in the field of science and innovation related to the recovery of the activity that would have slowed down in the scientific-technical facilities and to the holding of seminars, conferences and events in the field of research, development and innovation are also established.
Although most of the scientific-technical facilities have remained open and developing their activity and, in particular, those linked to research in the field of the health emergency caused by COVID-19, these measures will now allow all entities can continue their activities in conditions of safety for all workers.
The public libraries of the state, regional, municipal and university network have been closed since the declaration of the state of alarm. The vast majority of public network libraries have continued to provide public service through digital media, demonstrating great digital strength in times of confinement. However, there are many services that, by their nature, could not be provided. In this transition towards the new normality, the library services will be incorporated in the different phases, always prioritizing the protection of health and safety for both library staff and service users, gathering in this first phase the activities loan and return of works, room reading, as well as bibliographic and library information.
The reopening of the museums, of any ownership and management, is made possible to allow visits to the collection and temporary exhibitions, reducing the planned capacity for each of its rooms and public spaces to one third.
In terms of sports practice, the conditions are established in which professional, High Level, High Performance, national interest and federated athletes can carry out their sports activity during this phase. Thus, among other aspects, the conditions are established for the reopening of the High Performance Centers, outdoor sports facilities, sports centers for individual sports practice and medium training in professional leagues.
The conditions under which audiovisual productions can be carried out with the necessary safety and hygiene measures are indicated.
The conditions under which hotels and tourist establishments may be reopened to the public. Thus, among other aspects, it is possible to carry out restaurant and cafeteria services when necessary for the proper provision of the accommodation service, and exclusively with respect to the hosted clients. This service cannot be provided in the common areas, which will remain closed.
Finally, it is provided that active and nature tourism activities may be carried out again in groups of up to ten people, these activities should be arranged preferably by appointment.
The adoption of this order corresponds to the Ministry of Health, in accordance with the provisions of articles 4.3, 7.6 and 10.6 of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, declaring the state of alarm for the management of the situation of sanitary crisis caused by COVID-19, as well as in article 3 of Royal Decree 514/2020, of May 8, which extends the state of alarm declared by Royal Decree 463/2020, of 14 March.
By virtue, I have:
General disposition
Section 1 Purpose and scope
Article 1. Purpose.
The purpose of this order is to establish the conditions for easing certain national restrictions established by the state of alarm, in application of phase 1 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality.
Article 2. Scope of application.
1. This order will be applied to the activities object of the same that are developed in the territorial units that appear in the annex, as well as to the people residing in said units, in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of article 3 of Royal Decree 514/2020, of May 8, which extends the state of alarm declared by Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of Chapters VIII, IX, X and XI, as well as the provisions of Articles 41 and 42 shall not apply to the territorial units contemplated in section fifteen of the annex.
2. People vulnerable to COVID-19 may also make use of the authorizations provided in this order, provided that their clinical condition is controlled and allowed, and maintaining rigorous protection measures.
They may not use these ratings, either to return to their job or to go to the premises, establishments, centers, entertainment venues or perform the activities referred to in this order, people who present symptoms or are in home isolation due to a diagnosis by COVID-19, or who are in a home quarantine period due to having close contact with someone with symptoms or diagnosed with COVID-19.
Section 2. Hygiene and prevention measures
Article 3. Promotion of non-contact means of work.
Whenever possible, telework continuity will be encouraged for those workers who can carry out their work activity remotely.
Article 4. Hygiene and / or preventive measures for working personnel in the activity sectors provided for in this order.
1. Without prejudice to compliance with occupational risk prevention regulations and labor regulations, the owner of the economic activity or, where appropriate, the director of the educational centers and entities provided in this order must adopt the necessary measures to comply with hygiene and / or prevention measures for working personnel in the activity sectors established in this order.
In this sense, it will be ensured that all workers have permanently available hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity in the workplace authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health for hand cleaning, or when this is not possible, water and soap. Likewise, when the interpersonal safety distance of approximately two meters cannot be guaranteed, it will be ensured that workers have adequate protective equipment for the level of risk. In this case, all personnel must be trained and informed on the correct use of the aforementioned protective equipment.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall also be applicable to all workers of companies that provide services in the centers, entities, premises or establishments to which this order is applicable, either on a regular basis or in a timely manner.
2. The fingerprint transfer will be replaced by any other time control system that guarantees adequate hygiene measures to protect the health and safety of workers, or the recording device must be disinfected before and after each use. warning workers of this measure.
3. The arrangement of the jobs, the organization of shifts and the rest of the existing working conditions in the centers, entities, premises and establishments will be modified, as necessary, to guarantee the possibility of maintaining the safety distance Interpersonal minimum of two meters between workers, this being the responsibility of the owner of the economic activity or, where appropriate, the director of educational centers and entities, or the person to whom they delegate.
4. Likewise, the distance measures provided in this order must be complied with, where appropriate, in the workers’ locker rooms, lockers and toilets, as well as in any other area of common use.
5. If a worker starts to have symptoms compatible with the disease, the telephone number enabled by the autonomous community or corresponding health center and, where appropriate, with the corresponding occupational risk prevention services will be contacted immediately. Whenever possible, the worker will put on a mask, and in any case must leave their job until their medical situation is evaluated by a health professional.
Article 5. Measures to prevent the risk of massive coincidence of people in the workplace.
1. Without prejudice to the adoption of the necessary collective and individual protection measures, the centers must make the adjustments in the time organization that are necessary to avoid the risk of massive coincidence of people, workers or not, in spaces or work centers. during the time bands of foreseeable maximum influx or concentration, attending to the geographical area in question, and in accordance with the provisions of the following sections of this article.
2. It will be considered that there is a risk of massive coincidence of people when there are no reasonable expectations that the minimum safety distances are respected, particularly at the entrances and exits to work, taking into account both the probability of massive coincidence of the working people and the influx of other people that is predictable or periodic.
3. The adjustments referred to in the previous section must be made taking into account the instructions of the competent authorities, as well as, where appropriate, the provisions of applicable labor and conventional regulations.
Article 6. Hygiene measures required for the activities provided for in this order.
1. The owner of the economic activity or, where appropriate, the director of educational centers and entities must ensure that appropriate cleaning and disinfection measures are adopted for the characteristics and intensity of use of the centers, entities, premises and establishments. provided for in this order.
In cleaning tasks, special attention will be paid to common use areas and the most frequent contact surfaces such as door knobs, tables, furniture, handrails, floors, telephones, hangers, and other elements with similar characteristics, in accordance with the following guidelines:
a) Disinfectants will be used as dilutions of freshly prepared bleach (1:50) or any of the disinfectants with virucidal activity that are on the market and that have been authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health. In the use of this product, the indications on the label will be respected.
b) After each cleaning, the materials used and the protective equipment used will be disposed of safely, proceeding afterwards to hand washing.
Cleaning measures will also be extended, where appropriate, to workers’ private areas, such as locker rooms, lockers, toilets, kitchens and rest areas.
Likewise, when there are jobs shared by more than one worker, the job will be cleaned and disinfected after the end of each use, with special attention to furniture and other items that can be manipulated.
2. In the event that uniforms or work clothes are used, they will be washed and disinfected daily, and they must be washed mechanically in washing cycles between 60 and 90 degrees Celsius. In those cases where uniform or work clothes are not used, the garments used by workers in contact with clients, visitors or users, must also be washed in the conditions indicated above.
3. Periodic ventilation tasks must be carried out in the facilities and, at least, daily and for five minutes.
4. When there are elevators or forklifts in the centers, entities, premises and establishments provided for in this order, their use will be limited to the essential minimum and the stairs will preferably be used. When it is necessary to use them, the maximum occupancy of them will be one person, unless it is possible to guarantee the separation of two meters between them, or in those cases of people who may require assistance, in which case their use will also be permitted. companion.
5. When in accordance with the provisions of this order the use of the toilets is allowed by clients, visitors or users, its maximum occupation will be one person, except in those cases of people who may require assistance, in which case it will also be allowed use by your companion. These toilets must be cleaned and disinfected at least six times a day.
6. Card payment or other means that do not involve physical contact between devices will be encouraged, avoiding, as far as possible, the use of cash. The dataphone will be cleaned and disinfected after each use, as well as the POS if the employee who uses it is not always the same.
7. There should be bins, if possible with a lid and a pedal, in which you can deposit tissues and any other disposable material. These bins should be cleaned frequently, and at least once a day.
8. The provisions of this article shall apply without prejudice to the specialties in terms of cleaning and disinfection established in this order for specific sectors.
Relaxation of social measures
Article 7. Freedom of movement.
1. In relation to the provisions of this order, it may circulate through the province, island or territorial unit of reference for the purposes of the de-escalation process, without prejudice to the exceptions that justify the displacement to another part of the national territory for health reasons. , labor, professional or business, return to the place of family residence, assistance and care of the elderly, dependents or people with disabilities, force majeure or situation of need or any other of a similar nature.
2. In any case, the safety and hygiene measures established by the health authorities for the prevention of COVID-19 must be respected, and, in particular, those related to maintaining a minimum safety distance of at least two meters, or, failing that, alternative physical protection measures, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. For these purposes, the groups should be a maximum of ten people, except in the case of people living together.
3. In the case of the territorial units provided for in section fifteen of the annex, interterritorial mobility is allowed between neighboring municipalities with regular transit for the performance of socioeconomic activities.
4. In accordance with the provisions of article 4 of Royal Decree 514/2020, of May 8, the measures provided for in the previous section will be applied by whoever holds the Presidency of the autonomous community, as ordinary representative of the State in the territory .
Article 8. Wakeings and burials.
1. The wake may be held in all kinds of facilities, public or private, with a maximum limit at any time of fifteen people in open spaces or ten people in closed spaces, whether or not they live together.
2. Participation in the entourage for the burial or farewell for cremation of the deceased person is restricted to a maximum of fifteen people, including family and friends, in addition to, where appropriate, the minister of worship or similar person of the respective confession for the practice of funeral rites of farewell to the deceased.
3. In any case, the safety and hygiene measures established by the health authorities for the prevention of COVID-19 must be respected, regarding the maintenance of a minimum safety distance of two meters, hand hygiene and respiratory label.
Article 9. Places of worship.
1. Attendance at places of worship will be allowed provided that it does not exceed a third of its capacity and that the general safety and hygiene measures established by the health authorities are complied with.
2. If the maximum capacity is not clearly determined, the following standards may be used for its calculation:
a) Spaces with individual seats: one person per seat, and the minimum distance of one meter must be respected in any case.
b) Spaces with banks: one person for each linear meter of bank.
c) Spaces without seats: one person per square meter of surface reserved for attendees.
d) For said computation, the space reserved for attendees will be taken into account, excluding corridors, halls, the place of the presidency and collaterals, patios and, if any, toilets.
Once the third of the available capacity has been determined, the safety distance of at least one meter between people will be maintained. The maximum capacity must be published in a visible place in the space for worship.
The exterior of the buildings or the public thoroughfare may not be used for the celebration of acts of worship.
3. Without prejudice to the recommendations of each confession that take into account the conditions of the exercise of worship proper to each of them, in general the following recommendations should be observed:
a) Use of mask in general.
b) Before each meeting or celebration, disinfection tasks must be carried out on the spaces used or to be used, and during the development of the activities, the disinfection of the objects that are touched most frequently will be repeated.
c) Entrances and exits will be organized to avoid groups of people in the entrances and surroundings of places of worship.
d) Dispensers of hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health will be made available to the public, in any case at the entrance to the place of worship, which must always be in conditions of use.
e) The use of blessed water will not be allowed and ritual ablutions must be performed at home.
f) The distribution of attendees will be facilitated inside the places of worship, indicating if necessary the seats or usable areas depending on the capacity allowed at any time.
g) In cases where attendees stand directly on the ground and take off their shoes before entering the place of worship, personal rugs will be used and footwear will be placed in the stipulated places, bagged and separated.
h) The duration of the meetings or celebrations will be limited to the shortest possible time.
i) During the course of meetings or celebrations, the following will be avoided:
1. Personal contact, keeping the safety distance at all times.
2. The distribution of any type of object, books or brochures.
3. Touching or kissing objects of devotion or other objects that are usually handled.
4.º The performance of choirs.
Conditions for the reopening of retail establishments and commercial premises and similar services to the public
Article 10. Reopening of retail establishments and commercial premises and of similar services.
1. It may proceed to reopen to the public all retail establishments and commercial premises and professional services activities whose activity had been suspended after the declaration of the state of alarm under the provisions of article 10.1 of Royal Decree 463/2020 , of March 14, declaring the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, provided that they have a useful exhibition and sale area of 400 square meters or less, with exception of those who are inside parks or shopping centers without direct and independent access from abroad, provided they meet all the following requirements:
a) That the total capacity in commercial premises be reduced to thirty percent. In the case of establishments distributed in several plants, the presence of clients in each one of them must keep this same proportion.
In any case, a minimum distance of two meters between clients must be guaranteed. In commercial premises where it is not possible to maintain this distance, only permanence within a client’s premises will be allowed.
b) That a service schedule be established with priority service for those over 65 years of age.
c) That they additionally comply with the measures included in this chapter.
2. The provisions of this chapter, with the exception of the safety and hygiene measures provided for in articles 4, 11 and 12, shall not apply to retail establishments and commercial premises that were already open to the public in accordance with the article 10.1 of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, which may continue to be open, being able to expand the useful surface of exhibition and sale up to 400 square meters, for the sale of products authorized in said article 10.1 or other different ones.
3. Likewise, automotive dealers, technical vehicle inspection stations and garden centers and plant nurseries, regardless of their useful exhibition area, may reopen it to the public through the use of the prior appointment. sale.
Likewise, public gaming concession entities at the state level may reopen to the public, with the exception of those located within shopping centers or commercial parks, without direct and independent access from abroad.
4. All establishments and premises that may reopen to the public in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, may establish, where appropriate, collection systems at the premises of products purchased by telephone or online, provided that they guarantee collection staggered to avoid crowds inside the premises or its access.
5. A preferential home delivery system may be established for certain groups.
6. When the corresponding Town Councils so decide, and having to communicate this decision to the competent health authority of the Autonomous Community, the markets that carry out their activity outdoors or non-sedentary sales on public roads may reopen it , commonly called flea markets, giving preference to those of food and staple products and ensuring that the products marketed in them guarantee their non-manipulation by consumers. The Town Halls will establish requirements for distance between positions and market delimitation conditions with the aim of guaranteeing safety and distance between workers, clients and pedestrians.
In any case, a limitation to twenty-five percent of the usual or authorized positions and an influx of less than a third of the usual capacity will be guaranteed, alternatively, the surface area authorized for the exercise of this activity may be increased in such a way as to produce an effect equivalent to the aforementioned limitation.
Article 11. Hygiene measures required of establishments and premises open to the public.
1. Establishments and premises that open to the public in accordance with Article 10 shall carry out, at least twice a day, a cleaning and disinfection of the facilities with special attention to the most frequent contact surfaces such as door knobs, counters, furniture , handrails, vending machines, floors, telephones, hangers, cars and baskets, taps, and other elements with similar characteristics, according to the following guidelines:
a) One of the cleanings will be carried out, at the end of the day.
b) The cleaning and disinfection instructions provided in article 6.1.a) and b) will apply.
For said cleaning, a break in the opening dedicated to maintenance, cleaning and replacement tasks may be carried out throughout the day and preferably at noon. These closing times for cleaning will be duly communicated to the consumer by means of visible signage or messages by public address system.
Likewise, there will be a cleaning and disinfection of the workstations at each shift change, with special attention to counters and tables or other elements of the stalls in flea markets, partitions where appropriate, keyboards, payment terminals, touch screens, tools work and other elements susceptible to manipulation, paying special attention to those used by more than one worker.
When more than one worker will attend the public in the establishment or premises, the cleaning measures will be extended not only to the commercial area, but also, where appropriate, to the workers’ private areas, such as changing rooms, lockers, toilets, kitchens and rest areas.
2. The operation and cleaning of toilets, taps and door knobs of the toilets in retail establishments and commercial premises will be reviewed at least once a day.
3. In the case of automatic sales, vending machines, self-service laundries and similar activities, the owner thereof must ensure compliance with the appropriate hygiene and disinfection measures for both the machines and the premises, as well as inform users of its correct use by installing informative signage. In any case, the measures provided for in article 6 will apply.
4. The toilets of commercial establishments will not be used by clients, except in cases where it is strictly necessary. In the latter case, the toilets, taps and door knobs will be cleaned immediately.
Article 12. Hygiene and / or preventive measures for the working personnel of the establishments and premises that open to the public.
The distance between the vendor or service provider and the customer during the entire customer service process will be at least one meter when there are protection or barrier elements, or approximately two meters without these elements. Likewise, the distance between the stalls of the open-air markets or non-sedentary markets (street markets) and the pedestrians will be two meters at all times.
In the case of services that do not allow the maintenance of the interpersonal safety distance, such as hairdressing salons, beauty centers or physiotherapy, the appropriate protective equipment must be used according to the level of risk that ensures the protection of both the worker and the client, having to ensure in any case the maintenance of the distance of two meters between one client and another.
Article 13. Measures related to customer hygiene inside establishments and premises and in open-air markets or non-sedentary sales on public roads.
1. The time of permanence in the establishments and premises will be the strictly necessary so that the clients can make their purchases or receive the provision of the service.
2. Establishments and premises, as well as open-air or non-sedentary markets on public roads (street markets), must clearly indicate the two-meter interpersonal safety distance between customers, with marks on the ground, or through the use of beacons, signage and signage for those cases in which the individualized attention of more than one client is possible at the same time, which cannot be carried out simultaneously by the same employee.
3. Establishments and premises must make available to the public dispensers of hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health, in any case at the entrance to the premises, which must always be in conditions of use, being recommended the provision of these dispensers also in the vicinity of open air markets or non-sedentary sales on public roads.
4. In establishments and commercial premises, as well as open-air markets or non-sedentary sales on public roads, which have self-service areas, the service must be provided by a worker from the establishment or market, in order to avoid direct manipulation by customers of the products.
5. Test products not intended for sale such as cosmetics, perfumery products, and the like that involve direct manipulation by successive customers may not be made available to customers.
6. In establishments in the commercial textile sector, clothing and similar arrangements, the testers must be used by a single person, after use they will be cleaned and disinfected.
In the event that a customer tries on a garment that he subsequently does not acquire, the owner of the establishment will implement measures so that the garment is sanitized before it is provided to other customers. This measure will also be applicable to the returns of garments made by customers.
Article 14. Measures regarding capacity for establishments and premises open to the public.
1. Establishments and premises must expose to the public the maximum capacity of each premises and ensure that said capacity, as well as the interpersonal safety distance of two meters is respected inside.
2. To this end, establishments and premises must establish systems that allow for the count and control of capacity, so that it is not exceeded at any time, and which must include the workers themselves.
3. The organization of the movement of people and the distribution of spaces must be modified, when necessary, in order to guarantee the possibility of maintaining the interpersonal security distances required at all times by the Ministry of Health.
Preferably, whenever a room has two or more doors, a different use can be established for entry and exit, thus reducing the risk of crowding.
4. In establishments and commercial premises that have their own car parks for their employees and customers, when access to the facilities, the readers of tickets and employee cards could not be carried out automatically without contact, this will be replaced by manual control. and continuous by the security personnel, for better monitoring of the capacity regulations. These staff will also monitor compliance with the standards of staggered arrival and departure of employees to and from their job, according to the shifts established by the center.
In your case, and unless strict security reasons recommend otherwise, the doors that are in the path between the parking lot and the access to the store or the employees’ locker rooms will remain open to avoid manipulation of the opening mechanisms.
Conditions for the reopening of terraces of the hotel and restaurant establishments to the public
Article 15. Reopening of the outdoor terraces of the hotel and restaurant establishments.
1. The open-air terraces of the hotel and restaurant establishments may be reopened to the public, limiting themselves to fifty percent of the tables allowed in the immediately preceding year based on the corresponding municipal license. In any case, you must ensure that the proper physical distance of at least two meters is maintained between the tables or, where appropriate, groupings of tables.
For the purposes of this order, open terraces shall be considered any uncovered space or any space that, while being covered, is laterally surrounded by a maximum of two walls, walls or walls.
2. In the event that the hotel and restaurant establishment obtained the permission of the City Council to increase the surface area for the outdoor terrace, the number of tables provided in the previous section may be increased, respecting, in any case, the fifty percent proportion between tables and available area and carrying out a proportional increase in the pedestrian space on the same section of public road where the terrace is located.
3. The maximum occupation will be ten people per table or group of tables. The table or group of tables used for this purpose must be in accordance with the number of people, allowing the minimum interpersonal security distance to be respected.
Article 16. Hygiene and / or prevention measures in the provision of the terrace service.
In the provision of the service on the terraces of the hotel and restaurant establishments, the following hygiene and / or prevention measures must be carried out:
a) Cleaning and disinfection of the terrace equipment, in particular tables, chairs, as well as any other contact surface, between one client and another.
b) The use of single-use tablecloths will be prioritized. In the event that this is not possible, the use of the same tablecloths or trivets with different clients should be avoided, opting for materials and solutions that facilitate their change between services and their mechanical washing in washing cycles between 60 and 90 degrees centigrade.
c) Dispensers of hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health must be made available to the public, in any case at the entrance of the establishment or premises, which must always be in conditions of use.
d) The use of letters in common use will be avoided, opting for the use of own electronic devices, blackboards, posters or other similar means.
e) Auxiliary elements of the service, such as crockery, glassware, cutlery or tablecloths, among others, will be stored in closed rooms and, if this is not possible, far from areas where customers and workers pass.
f) Self-service products such as napkin rings, toothpicks, cruets, oil cans, and other similar utensils will be eliminated, prioritizing disposable monodose or their service in other formats upon customer request.
g) The use of the toilets by customers will comply with the provisions of article 6.5.
Of services and benefits in the field of social services
Article 17. Services and benefits in the field of social services.
Social services must guarantee the effective provision of all the services and benefits included in the Reference Catalog of Social Services, approved by the Territorial Council of Social Services and the System for Autonomy and Care for Dependency. For this, the centers and services where said services and benefits are provided must be open and available for face-to-face attention to citizens, whenever this is necessary, and without prejudice to the adoption of the prevention and hygiene measures established by the authorities. sanitary. Whenever possible, the provision of services via telematics will be prioritized, reserving in-person attention to those cases in which it is essential.
In any case, the availability of access to therapy, rehabilitation, early care and day care services will be guaranteed for people with disabilities and / or in situations of dependency.
Conditions for the reopening of educational and university centers
Article 18. Reopening of educational centers.
1. The educational centers may be opened for disinfection, conditioning and for the performance of administrative functions.
It will be the responsibility of the directors of the educational centers to determine the teaching and auxiliary personnel necessary to carry out the aforementioned tasks.
2. During the performance of the administrative tasks referred to in the first section, a physical safety distance of two meters must be guaranteed.
Article 19. Hygiene and / or preventive measures in educational centers.
For the development of the activities foreseen in the previous article, the educational centers must comply with the following hygiene and / or prevention measures:
a) The center will be cleaned and disinfected under the terms set forth in article 6.
b) The organization of the movement of people and the distribution of spaces must be modified, when necessary, in order to guarantee the possibility of maintaining the interpersonal security distances required at all times by the Ministry of Health.
c) The use of paper documents and their circulation will be limited as much as possible.
d) The places of attention to the public will have separation measures between the workers of the educational center and the users.
e) Educational centers must provide their workers with the necessary protection material to carry out their functions.
Article 20. Reopening of university centers and laboratories.
1. The university centers may be opened to carry out their disinfection and conditioning, as well as unavoidable administrative procedures.
During the performance of the management tasks referred to in the preceding paragraph, a physical safety distance of two meters must be guaranteed between the workers, as well as between them and the students.
Universities must provide their workers with the necessary protection material to carry out their functions.
2. The university laboratories may be opened for their own research tasks. In any case, a physical safety distance of two meters must be guaranteed between laboratory personnel.
On the part of the universities, the personnel of the laboratories must be provided with the necessary protection material to carry out their functions.
Likewise, the laboratory personnel must disinfect all the material used once its use has ended.
3. In order to reopen, university centers and laboratories must comply with the hygiene or prevention measures provided for in schools in article 19.
Flexibility measures in science and innovation
Article 21. Gradual reopening of scientific-technical facilities.
1. Entities of a public and private nature that develop or support scientific and technical research, development and innovation activities in all fields of the economy and society, whose activity would have been affected, totally or partially, by the declaration of the alarm status and its successive extensions, may restart it and that of its associated facilities.
2. For the purposes of compliance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the protection of all persons providing services therein and compliance with the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities and must be guaranteed. the regulations associated with occupational safety and health, ensuring the development of work activity in conditions of safety, self-protection and social distancing.
Likewise, periodic cleaning and disinfection of the premises and facilities where such activities are carried out will be carried out, for which purpose the provisions of article 6 will be followed.
3. In any case, the continuity of teleworking will be promoted for those employees or people who provide service in said entities and who can carry out their work activity remotely, guaranteeing that workers are essential for the development of research, scientific and technicians can carry out their activity in the workplace, in accordance with the applicable regulations.
4. Likewise, and provided that this is compatible with the development of such scientific and technical research, development and innovation activities, a shift work regime or other adaptation of working hours may be established, in order to guarantee protection measures provided for in this article, in accordance with the applicable regulations. It must be guaranteed that, once the work shift is over, and prior to the entry of the new shift, the work environment will be disinfected.
5. It will correspond to the directors or maximum managers of the entities that restart their activity to agree in a motivated way the application of the provisions of this article.
6. In the case of the entities of the state public sector, the adoption of the measures provided for in this article shall be carried out in accordance with their own applicable regulations.
Article 22. Holding of scientific or innovative seminars and conferences.
1. Conferences, meetings, events and seminars in the field of scientific and technical research, development and innovation will be allowed.
2. Such events may be promoted by any entities of a public or private nature, provided that they are aimed at improving and expanding knowledge in any of the areas of research, development or innovation, in order to promote scientific research. and technical in all areas, promoting the transfer of knowledge or promoting innovation and competitiveness.
3. In any case, said events must, at all times, comply with the required physical distance of two meters, without exceeding in any case the number of thirty attendees, and the non-presential participation of those who can lend their activity to distance.
4. In this sense, when the interpersonal security distance of approximately two meters cannot be guaranteed between all attendees of said events, congresses and seminars, as well as that of the workers who provide their services in and for them, it will be ensured that they have protection equipment appropriate to the level of risk, ensuring the development of such activities in conditions of safety, self-protection and social distancing and the cleaning and disinfection of the premises and facilities where they are carried out, for which purpose the provisions of the article 6.
5. It will correspond to the directors or maximum managers of the summoning entities of the acts referred to in this article to agree in a motivated way the application of the provisions of the same.
6. In the case of the entities of the state public sector, the adoption of the measures provided for in this article shall be carried out in accordance with their own applicable regulations.
Conditions for the reopening of libraries to the public
Article 23. Reopening of authorized libraries and services.
1. Libraries may be opened, both publicly and privately owned for the activities of loan and return of works, reading in the room, as well as for bibliographic and library information.
Cultural activities, room study or interlibrary loan activities may not be carried out, as well as any other service intended for the public other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Likewise, it will not be possible to make use of the computers and computing means of the libraries destined for the public use of the citizens, as well as of online public access catalogs or catalogs on library cards.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous section, in the National Library of Spain and in specialized libraries or with old, unique, special or excluded funds from home loans for any reason, the publication of publications excluded from home loans may be allowed to be consulted. with reduced capacity and only in cases where it is considered necessary.
3. The works will be requested by the users and provided by the library staff.
Once consulted, they will be deposited in a separate place and separated from each other for at least fourteen days.
Free access collections will remain closed to the public.
Article 24. Hygiene and / or preventive measures in libraries.
1. Before the libraries are reopened to the public, the person in charge of each of them must adopt the following measures in relation to the facilities.
a) Proceed with the cleaning and disinfection of the facilities, furniture and work equipment.
b) In the access areas and in the points of contact with the public, dispensers of hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health will be located.
c) Installation of protective screens, partitions or protection panels when appropriate. Likewise, marks must be affixed to the floor to indicate to people who are going to the customer service posts where they have to be placed to respect the minimum safety distance.
d) Close, panel, install beacons, cordon or install other dividing elements to prevent user access to areas not enabled for the movement of users.
e) To close the computers for public use, online public access catalogs and other catalogs, which may only be used by library staff.
f) Enable a space in the library to deposit, for at least fourteen days, the returned or manipulated documents and have enough cars for their transfer.
2. The person in charge of each of the libraries must organize the work in such a way as to guarantee that the handling of books and other materials is carried out by the fewest number of workers possible.
3. The person in charge of each of the libraries will establish a reduction in capacity to thirty percent to guarantee that social distance measures are complied with.
4. For the development of the activities foreseen in this chapter, the libraries must comply with the following hygiene and / or prevention measures:
a) The center will be cleaned and disinfected under the terms set forth in article 6.
b) The organization of the movement of people and the distribution of spaces must be modified, when necessary, in order to guarantee the possibility of maintaining the interpersonal security distances required at all times by the Ministry of Health.
c) The places of attention to the public will have separation measures between library workers and users.
d) Without prejudice to the provisions of article 24.f), paper books and publications will not be disinfected.
e) In the areas of access and in the points of contact with the public, dispensers of hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health will be located.
f) In the event that visitors have to use the toilets, the provisions of article 6.5 shall apply.
Article 25. Information measures.
Posters and other informative documents on hygienic and sanitary measures for the correct use of library services will be installed in library facilities.
The information offered should be clear and displayed in the most visible places, such as crossing points, counters, and the library entrance.
Conditions for opening museums to the public
Article 26. Public visits to museums and capacity control measures.
1. Museums, of any ownership and management, may open their facilities to the public to allow visits to the collection and to temporary exhibitions, reducing the planned capacity for each of its rooms and public spaces to one-third.
2. In any case, museums must adapt their facilities to guarantee the protection of both workers and the citizens who visit them. Among other measures, the alteration of routes, the arrangement of entrances and exits, or the exclusion of rooms that do not allow maintaining the minimum safety distance may be established.
3. Only visits will be allowed and cultural or educational activities will not be allowed.
The use of museum elements designed for tactile use by the visitor will be disabled. Audio guides, room brochures or other similar material will also not be available to visitors.
4. The visits will be individual, understanding as such both the visit of a person and that of a family unit or similar coexistence unit, provided that the interpersonal safety distance of two meters is maintained.
5. The capacity limit provided in the first section will be subject to control both at the box office sales and online ticket sales . To do this, if necessary, each museum will make available to the public a maximum number of tickets per hour.
The online sale of the ticket will be recommended and, in case of purchase at the box office, the provisions of article 6.6 will apply.
6. All the public, including the one waiting to access the museum, must keep an interpersonal security distance of two meters. For this purpose, vinyl or other similar elements must be placed on the ground to mark said distance in access areas and wait.
7. The public service staff will remind visitors of the need to comply with these guidelines both in the circulation areas and in the exhibition halls.
8. The left luggage service will not be available.
Article 27. Hygienic-sanitary preventive measures for the visiting public.
1. In the areas of access and in the points of contact with the public, such as ticket offices or information desks, dispensers of hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health for hand cleaning will be located, for use by visitors.
2. Screens or similar protection elements will be installed in those points such as ticket offices or information desks that imply direct contact between workers and the visiting public.
3. Likewise, the necessary signage must be established in buildings and facilities, and citizens must be informed through their web pages and social networks of the mandatory health and hygiene measures during visits, and of those that correspond in their case to the Administrations or entities that own or manage them.
4. The museum will be regularly cleaned and disinfected, for which purpose the provisions of article 6 will be followed.
However, it should be assessed whether the surfaces to be treated have historical or artistic value or not, adapting the disinfectant product to the cultural asset on which they are to be applied.
Cleaning procedures will also include the exterior surfaces of showcases that may have been touched by the visitor.
5. In the event that visitors have to use the toilets, the provisions of article 6.5 will be followed.
Article 28. Occupational risk prevention measures in relation to museum staff.
Without prejudice to the immediate application of this order, the owners or managers of museums must establish the necessary risk prevention measures to guarantee that workers, whether public or private, can perform their duties under the appropriate conditions, being in all application case the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities.
Conditions in which the production and filming of audiovisual works must take place
Article 29. Audiovisual production activities.
The following activities associated with the production and filming of audiovisual works may be carried out provided that the hygiene and sanitary measures provided for in this order are complied with:
a) Selection of locations.
b) General Equipment Management.
c) Activities of the Production department.
d) Activities of the Management department.
e) Activities of the Art department.
f) Activities of the Make-up and Hairdressing department.
g) Activities of the wardrobe department.
h) Activities of the Lighting department.
i) Activities of the Machinists department.
j) Activities of the Photography department.
k) Activities of the Sound department.
l) Activities of the Artistic Team department: Actors / Actresses.
m) Activities of the Artistic Team department: Figuration.
n) Activities of the Artistic Team department: Minors.
o) Catering.
p) Other activities related to post-production.
Article 30. Prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 in audiovisual production.
In addition to complying with the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities, the following measures must be met during the course of an audiovisual production:
a) Work teams will be reduced to the essential number of people.
b) When the nature of the activity allows it, the corresponding interpersonal distance will be maintained with third parties, as well as the use of protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk.
c) When the nature of the activity does not allow respecting the interpersonal distance, those involved will use protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk as a protection measure.
d) In cases where the nature of the work does not allow respect for interpersonal distance or the use of protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk, as is the case for actors and actresses, security measures designed for each case will be followed. Particular from the recommendations of the health authorities.
e) Recommendations will be established so that the transfer to the workspaces and filming are carried out with the least possible risk, and the workers will inform about the means of transport that they will use in each case.
f) In the makeup, hairdressing and wardrobe activities, the appropriate protective equipment must be used according to the level of risk that ensures the protection of both the worker and the artist, in any case ensuring the maintenance of the two-meter distance between the artists. and disinfection of materials after each use.
g) Measures will be implemented so that the garments are sanitized before they are provided to other people.
Article 31. Conditions for filming.
1. Films may be made on sets and private spaces, as well as in public spaces that have the corresponding authorization from the City Council.
2. Enclosures must be cleaned and disinfected prior to filming, for which purpose the provisions of article 6 shall be followed.
3. They may be filmed on sets and private outdoor spaces after evaluating occupational risks and adopting the corresponding preventive measures.
4. Filming in which there is no direct physical interaction involving contact of actors and actresses may be started in accordance with the provisions of the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities. For its part, in the case contemplated in article 30.d), specific measures must be established for each particular case by those responsible for filming based on the recommendations of the health authorities.
Article 32. Protection, signaling and information elements on de-escalation conditions.
1. Signaling elements, informative posters with hygiene measures and any other message deemed appropriate to ensure compliance with hygiene and prevention measures against COVID-19 must be installed on the filming.
2. The production company must make available to the members of the production the appropriate prevention elements for the correct development of their work.
3. When this is possible, the minimum interpersonal safety distance will be indicated with marks on the ground, or through the use of beacons, signage and signage.
Opening to the public of the premises and establishments where cultural acts and shows take place
Article 33. Reopening of premises and establishments where cultural acts and shows take place.
It will be possible to reopen to the public all the premises and establishments where cultural acts and shows take place whose activity had been suspended after the declaration of the state of alarm by virtue of the provisions of article 10.1 of Royal Decree 463/2020, March 14, provided they do not exceed a third of the authorized capacity. In addition, if they are carried out in closed places, there cannot be more than thirty people in total and, if they are outdoors, said maximum capacity will be two hundred people, and provided they meet the requirements of this order.
Article 34. Entrance, exit and circulation of the public in closed and open-air establishments.
1. Regarding the common areas of open-air premises and closed rooms where the public is accommodated, the following requirements must be met:
a) The online sale of the ticket will be recommended and, in case of purchase at the box office, the provisions of article 6.6 will apply.
b) It will always be guaranteed that the spectators are seated and maintain the safety distance set by the health authorities.
c) It is recommended, depending on the characteristics of the closed premises or the outdoor space, that all entrances and seats are properly numbered, and seats that do not meet the criteria for physical distance must be disabled, as well as those not sold . The passage of people between rows, which involves not respecting the safety distance, will be avoided as much as possible.
d) Spacing marks will be established on the floor at the access to the room.
e) The doors will be opened sufficiently in advance to allow staggered access, and appropriate time slots must be set for access.
f) No script or program or other paper documentation will be delivered.
g) When the interpersonal safety distance cannot be guaranteed, it will be ensured that adequate protection equipment is available for the level of risk.
h) The departure of the public at the end of the show must be carried out in stages by zones, guaranteeing the distance between people.
2. In shows it is recommended that there be no intermediate breaks. In the event that it is unavoidable, this break must be of sufficient duration so that the exit and entry during the break is also staggered and with the same conditions as the entry and exit of the public.
3. Complementary services such as shops, cafeteria or cloakroom will not be provided.
4. Before and after the performance, notices will be made announcing and remembering hygiene and distancing measures.
5. Whenever possible, the distance between room workers and the public during the care and accommodation process will be approximately two meters.
Article 35. Hygiene measures that must be applied to the public that goes to said establishments.
1. The establishments and premises, closed or outdoors, that are open to the public shall carry out their cleaning and disinfection at least once a day, prior to opening to the public and, in the case of performing various functions, before each of them, as indicated in article 6.
2. Establishments, premises and outdoor spaces must make available to the public dispensers of hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health, at the entrance of the establishment, premises or space, and must always be in terms of use.
3. Cleaning and disinfection of closed rooms and outdoor venues must be carried out before each performance of the show. In the case of performing various functions, before each one of them, a new disinfection must be carried out prior to the public entering the room or the outdoor area, in the terms indicated in this order. For these purposes, the provisions of article 6 shall apply.
4. Likewise, the establishment must proceed to clean and disinfect the toilets at the beginning and at the end of each performance, as well as after breaks or breaks.
Article 36. Common protection measures for artistic groups.
1. In addition to the general hygiene and prevention measures provided for in this order, the following measures will be applicable to the artistic groups referred to in this chapter:
a) When there are several artists simultaneously on the stage, the artistic direction will try to maintain the safe health distance in the development of the show.
b) In those performances or shows in which said safety distance cannot be maintained, nor the use of protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk, as is the case for actors and actresses, security measures designed for each particular case based on the recommendations of the health authorities.
c) Both performances and rehearsals will ensure the cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces and instruments with which the artists may come into contact before each rehearsal. The costumes will not be shared at any time by different artists if they have not been previously cleaned and disinfected.
Article 37. Risk prevention measures for technical personnel.
1. The communication equipment or tools must be personal and non-transferable, or the parts in direct contact with the person’s body will have replaceable elements.
2. Equipment that must be handled by different personnel must be disinfected before each use.
3. In those jobs that must be carried out by more than one person, and the safety distance cannot be maintained, all the workers involved must use the appropriate protective equipment for the level of risk.
Conditions under which professional and federated sports activity must be carried out
Article 38. Opening of the High Performance Centers.
1. Access to High Performance Centers is authorized for athletes integrated into the approved programs, High Level Athletes (DAN), High Performance Athletes (DAR) and those recognized as being of national interest by the Higher Sports Council .
For the purposes of this order, the High Performance Centers (CAR), the High Performance Specialized Centers (CEAR), the Sports Technification Centers (CTD), and the Sports Technification Specialized Centers ( CETD), integrated into the Sports Technification Network with sports programs approved by the Higher Sports Council or authorized by the competent bodies of the autonomous communities.
2. Only a coach can access with athletes if necessary, a circumstance that must be duly accredited, with the exception of persons with disabilities or minors who require the presence of a companion.
3. The athletes and trainers referred to in this article, may access the Training Center (CAR, CEAR, CTD, or CETD) closest to their residence within the territory of their province. If there is no Training Center in their province, they will be able to access another one from their autonomous community, and if there is not, they will be able to access the one located in a bordering autonomous community, even if the sports program to which they belong is assigned to another Center. It will be necessary, in case you have to move outside the limits of your territorial unit, the issuance of an accreditation by the corresponding Sports Federation or the entity that owns the facility where you are going to carry out the training.
4. The aforementioned Centers will identify a coordinator for compliance with the measures provided for in this order, as well as a medical chief, with experience in sports medicine, whose identity and contact details will be communicated to the Higher Sports Council on the eve of the beginning of the training in these facilities.
5. The sports federations present in each high performance center will designate a technical manager in charge of coordinating the technicians of their sports federation, to send the required information to the coordinator of the High Performance Center.
6. Each Center will establish basic rules of sanitary protection and access before opening, in accordance with the provisions of the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities.
Likewise, prior to the opening of the Center, it will be cleaned and disinfected.
7. The entity that owns the center may agree to open the residences and restaurant services in compliance with the measures set forth in this order for this type of establishment.
8. The training sessions will preferably be carried out individually, and the tasks to be carried out will always be done without physical contact, and respecting the safety distance set by the Ministry of Health.
9. Schedules for access and training will be established, cleaning the sports spaces used after the end of each shift. The training shifts will last a maximum of two and a half hours, and the minimum safety distances must be respected in each one of them, respecting the limit of thirty percent of the capacity for athletes depending on the surface of the facility.
Article 39. Development of average training in Professional Leagues.
1. Sports clubs or Sports Public Limited Companies may carry out medium training sessions that will consist of exercising individualized tasks of a physical and technical nature, as well as conducting non-exhaustive tactical training sessions, in small groups of various athletes, up to a maximum ten, maintaining the prevention distances, two meters in general, and avoiding in any case, situations in which physical contact occurs. For this, they may use the facilities at their disposal, complying with the measures established by the health authorities.
2. If the concentration training regime is chosen, the specific measures established for this type of training by the health authorities and the Higher Sports Council must be complied with. Both if the residence service is required as well as the opening of the restaurant and cafeteria services, the measures established in this order for this type of establishment must be complied with.
3. The performance of the training tasks will be carried out whenever possible in turns, avoiding exceeding thirty percent of the capacity that the facility has for athletes, in order to maintain the minimum distances necessary for the protection of the health of athletes.
4. The technical personnel necessary for their development may attend the training sessions, for which they must maintain the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities. Said technical personnel will appoint a person in charge who will report the incidents to the coordinator of the sports entity.
5. The changing rooms may be used, respecting the provisions to that effect in the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities.
6. The training sessions may not be attended by the media.
Article 40. Common measures for the opening of High Performance Centers and Development of Average Training in professional leagues.
1. Technical work meetings may be held with a maximum of ten participants, and always keeping the corresponding safety distance and using the necessary protection measures.
For these purposes, technical work meetings are understood as those theoretical sessions related to the viewing of videos or technical talks to review aspects of a technical, tactical or sporting nature related to subsequent training sessions carried out by the coach with the athletes.
2. The medical control and subsequent follow-up of the personnel who access the center will be carried out, both athletes, technicians and assimilable personnel, in accordance with the provisions of the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities.
3. The training sessions will not have the presence of auxiliary personnel, nor of utilleros, reducing the personnel of the training center to the minimum number sufficient to provide the service.
4. In any case, the prevention and protection measures established by the health authorities will be followed.
5. Periodic cleaning and disinfection of the facilities must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of article 6. Likewise, the material used by the athletes will be cleaned and disinfected at the end of each training shift and at the end of the day.
6. For the use of materials and gyms it will be necessary to apply the appropriate protection measures for athletes and technicians. In general, athletes may not share any material. If this is not possible, any equipment or material used for tactical exercises or specific training sessions or for mechanical maintenance and of material or safety equipment will have to be disinfected after each use.
Article 41. Opening of outdoor sports facilities.
1. The open-air sports facilities may be opened for sports activities with the limitations set forth in this article.
2. They can be accessed by any citizen who wants to practice sports, including high-level, high-performance, professional, federated, referee or judge athletes and federative technical personnel.
3. For the purposes of this order, an open-air sports facility is considered to be any open sports facility, regardless of whether it is located in a closed or open area, that lacks a roof and walls simultaneously, and that allows the practice of a sport modality. Pools and water areas are excluded from the provisions of this article.
4. Before the reopening of the facility, it will be cleaned and disinfected.
5. The sports activity will require prior appointment with the managing entity of the facility. To do this, time shifts will be organized, outside of which you will not be able to stay at the facility.
6. In outdoor sports facilities, individual sports may be allowed or those practices that can be carried out by a maximum of two people in the case of modalities thus practiced, always without physical contact, maintaining the appropriate security and protection measures. , and in any case the social safety distance of two meters. Likewise, the limit of thirty percent of capacity for sports use in each facility will be respected, both in terms of access and during the practice itself, enabling an access system that prevents the accumulation of people and that complies with the safety and health protection measures.
7. Only a coach may access the athletes if necessary, a circumstance that must be duly accredited, with the exception of persons with disabilities or minors who require the presence of a companion.
8. The facilities will be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with the provisions of article 6. Likewise, at the end of each shift, the common areas will be cleaned and, each shift, they must be cleaned and disinfected. shared material after each use. At the end of the day, the facility will be cleaned, reducing the permanence of the staff to a minimum number sufficient for the adequate provision of the service.
9. In any case, the owners of the facility must comply with the basic standards of sanitary protection of the Ministry of Health. If other activities are carried out in the sports facility, or other non-sports additional services are provided, they must comply with the specific regulations that correspond in each case.
Article 42. Individual sports activity by appointment in sports centers.
1. Publicly or privately owned sports facilities and centers may offer sports services aimed at the development of sports activity on an individual basis and by appointment, with the limitations set forth in this article.
2. Prior to its reopening, the center will be cleaned and disinfected.
Likewise, the facilities will be cleaned and disinfected periodically in accordance with the provisions of article 6.
3. The sports activity will be organized in an individualized way, without physical contact, by previously stipulated shifts, and in such a way that the accumulation of people in the accesses is avoided, both at the beginning and at the end of the shift.
4. The individualized sports activity will only allow attention to one person per coach and per shift. If the center has several trainers, the individualized service may be provided to as many people as there are trainers available, and in no case may it exceed thirty percent of the capacity of users, nor reduce the safety distance of two meters between people.
5. In no case will locker rooms and shower areas be opened to users, and auxiliary spaces may be enabled in strictly necessary cases. The maximum occupation of these spaces will be one person, except in those cases of people who may require assistance, in which case the use by their companion will also be allowed. The aforementioned spaces must be cleaned and disinfected immediately after each use, as well as at the end of the day, for which the provisions of article 6 will be followed.
Article 43. Hunting and sport fishing.
The provisions of this chapter will not apply to hunting and sport fishing.
Opening to the public of hotels and tourist establishments
Article 44. Opening of hotels and tourist accommodation.
1. The hotels and tourist accommodations that have suspended their opening to the public under Order SND / 257/2020, of March 19, declaring the suspension of opening to the public of establishments, may reopen to the public of tourist accommodation in accordance with article 10.6 of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, declaring the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, with the limitations and conditions established in the following sections.
2. The catering services and cafeterias of the hotels and tourist accommodation shall apply in general the provisions of Chapter IV. However, exclusively for hosted clients, catering and any other service that is necessary for the proper provision of the accommodation service will be provided. These services will not be provided in the common areas of the hotel or tourist accommodation, which will remain closed. The provision of these services will have to observe the sanitary measures and instructions for protection and interpersonal safety distance.
3. The use of swimming pools, spas, gyms, mini clubs, children’s areas, discotheques, meeting rooms and all those similar spaces that are not essential for the use of hotel accommodation or tourist accommodation will not be allowed.
4. The use of the toilets by customers will comply with the provisions of article 6.5.
5. Those areas that are not in use must have a clear identification of restricted access or totally closed.
6. The provisions of this order shall be understood without prejudice to the provisions of Order TMA / 277/2020, of March 23, which declares essential services to certain tourist accommodations and adopts complementary provisions.
Article 45. Hygiene and / or prevention measures required of hotels and tourist accommodation.
1. There should be informative posters in the most common languages of the clients exposing the restrictive conditions of use of the facilities and the hygiene rules to be observed in relation to the prevention of contagion.
2. In the reception or concierge areas, the proper separation of two meters between workers and with customers must be guaranteed. When the safety distance cannot be maintained, protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk should be used.
In those customer service points where agglomerations or specific queues are foreseen, the spaces will be marked on the ground so that the minimum distance of two meters between people is respected.
3. The corresponding disinfection of objects will be carried out after their manipulation by the client or between workers and hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health and surface disinfectant will be provided.
4. For the accommodation units, a documented cleaning procedure will be available, in accordance with the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities, including the procedures for replacement and removal of waste from the accommodation, if these services are offered, and the conditioning of rooms or homes after the client’s departure and where it is specified for each item to be cleaned in a housing unit, the order in which it must be done, and the material and product chemical to use, the protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk to be used in each task, and processing of the material and cleaning product after use.
5. Before opening the establishment, it will be necessary to clean the facilities, including transit areas, service areas, rooms, plots and homes.
All objects and surfaces in the transit areas that may be manipulated or contaminated by different people, such as keypads for elevators or machines, stair handrails, door handles, will be cleaned and disinfected at least every two hours during their corresponding periods of use. , doorbells, taps for shared sinks.
Article 46. Hygiene and / or prevention measures for clients.
1. It must be guaranteed at all times that the client is informed about the restrictive conditions that will apply to him in the use of the facilities. It will be guaranteed that the client knows, before the confirmation of the reservation and during his stay in the accommodation (in written format and in a language understandable by the client), the special rules that will govern the establishment.
2. The hotel or tourist accommodation must make available to customers dispensers of hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health, in any case at the entrance of the hotel or tourist accommodation, which must always be in good condition. of use.
Conditions for the development of active tourism and nature activities
Article 47. Active and nature tourism.
1. Active and nature tourism activities may be carried out for groups of a maximum of up to ten people, by companies registered as active tourism companies in the corresponding competent administration, under the conditions provided in the following sections. These activities will be arranged, preferably, by appointment.
2. Active tourism activities may not be carried out in establishments or premises intended for this activity, the common areas of which must remain closed to the public, except those corresponding to the reception area and, where appropriate, toilets and changing rooms, which must have of disinfectant soap for hand washing and / or hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health.
3. The use of the toilets by customers will comply with the provisions of article 6.5.
4. In the activities, the interpersonal safety distance of two meters will be guaranteed. When the safety distance cannot be maintained, protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk should be used.
The equipment necessary to facilitate the activity will be disinfected according to the hygienic-sanitary measures established after each use by the client.
First additional provision. Control of compliance with the measures of this order.
The municipal, regional or special police inspection services, within the scope of their powers, will be in charge of monitoring compliance with the measures contained in this order, corresponding to the instruction of the sanctioning procedures that proceed to the competent authorities, according with applicable sectoral legislation.
Second additional provision. Restriction on commercial actions resulting from crowds.
Establishments may not advertise or carry out commercial actions that may give rise to crowds of the public, both within the commercial establishment and in its vicinity.
This restriction will not affect sales on sale or sales on offer or promotion that are made through the website.
Third additional provision. Orders and instructions in development or application of the alarm state.
The provisions of the orders and instructions approved in development or application of the state of alarm declared by Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, will apply to the territorial units of phase 1 of the Plan for the transition to the new normality in everything that does not oppose or contradict the provisions of this order.
Single derogatory provision. Regulatory repeal.
Order SND / 386/2020 of May 3 is repealed, which relaxes certain social restrictions and determines the conditions of development of the activity of retail trade and service provision, as well as the activities of hospitality and restoration in the territories least affected by the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
First final provision. Modification of Order SND / 370/2020, of April 25, on the conditions in which displacement by the child population must take place during the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
A new paragraph is added to section 1 of article 2 of Order SND / 370/2020, of April 25, on the conditions under which displacement by the child population should take place during the health crisis caused by the COVID-19, with the following wording:
“The autonomous communities and autonomous cities may agree in their territorial area that the time slot referred to in the preceding paragraph begins up to two hours before and ends up to two hours later, as long as the total duration of said time slot does not increase” .
Second final provision. Order SND / 380/2020, of April 30, on the conditions in which non-professional physical activity can be carried out outdoors during the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
Order SND / 380/2020, of April 30, on the conditions under which non-professional physical activity can be carried out outdoors during the health crisis caused by COVID-19, is amended to read as follows:
One. Section 2 of article 2 is amended, which is worded as follows:
“2. For the purposes of the provisions of this order, the non-professional practice of individual sports that do not require contact with third parties, as well as walks, are permitted. These activities may be carried out once a day and during the time periods provided for in article 5.
The practice of sport fishing and hunting is not included within this authorization ».
Two. Section 2 of article 5 is amended, which is worded as follows:
“2. The autonomous communities and autonomous cities may agree that in their territorial area the time bands provided for in this article begin up to two hours before and end up to two hours later, as long as the total duration of said time slots is not increased.
The time bands provided for in this article will not apply to those municipalities and entities with a territorial area less than the municipality that administer separate population centers with a population equal to or less than 5,000 inhabitants, in which the practice of the activities permitted by this order it can be carried out between 6:00 am and 11:00 pm ».
Third final provision. Order SND / 388/2020, of May 3, establishing the conditions for the opening of certain shops and services to the public, and the opening of archives, as well as for the practice of professional and federated sport.
A new article 10 bis is included in Order SND / 388/2020, of May 3, which establishes the conditions for the opening to the public of certain businesses and services, and the opening of files, as well as for the practice of professional and federated sport with the following wording:
“Article 10 bis. Hunting and sport fishing.
The provisions of this chapter will not be applicable to hunting and sport fishing ».
Fourth final provision. Resource regime.
Against this order, a contentious-administrative appeal may be filed within two months from the day following its publication before the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court, in accordance with the provisions of article 12 of the Law 29/1998, of July 13, regulating the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction.
Fifth final provision. Specific security plans, organizational protocols and guides.
The measures provided by this order may be completed by specific security plans, organizational protocols and guides adapted to each activity sector, approved by the Public Administrations or their dependent or related bodies, once the parties involved have been heard, as well as by those that they be agreed in the business field between the workers themselves, through their representatives, and the businessmen or associations and employers of each sector.
Sixth final provision. Effects and validity.
This order will take full effect from 00:00 on May 11, 2020 and will remain effective for the entire duration of the state of alarm and its possible extensions.
Madrid, May 9, 2020. – The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa Roca.
Territorial Units
1. In the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, the provinces of Almería, Córdoba, Cádiz, Huelva, Jaén and Seville.
2. In the Autonomous Community of Aragon, the provinces of Huesca, Zaragoza and Teruel.
3. In the Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias, the entire province of Asturias.
4. In the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, the Islands of Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera.
5. In the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, the Islands of Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro and La Graciosa.
6. In the Autonomous Community of Cantabria, the entire province of Cantabria.
7. In the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León, the following basic health areas:
a) In the province of Ávila, the basic health area of Muñico.
b) In the province of Burgos, the basic health areas of Sedano, Valle de Losa, Quintanar de la Sierra, Espinosa de los Monteros, Pampliega and Valle de Mena.
c) In the province of León, the basic health areas of Truchas, Matallana de Torio and Riaño.
d) In the province of Palencia, the basic health area of Torquemada.
e) In the Salamanca province, the basic health areas of Robleda, Aldeadávila de la Ribera, Lumbrales and Miranda del Castañar.
f) In the province of Soria, the basic health area of San Pedro Manrique.
g) In the province of Valladolid, the basic health areas of Alaejos, Mayorga de Campos and Esguevillas de Esgueva.
h) In the province of Zamora, the basic health areas of Alta Sanabria, Carbajales de Alba, Tábara, Santibáñez de Vidriales, Alcañices (Aliste), Corrales del Vino and Villalpando.
8. In the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha, the provinces of Guadalajara and Cuenca.
9. In the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, the health regions of Camp de Tarragona, Alt Pirineu i Aran, and Terres de l’Ebre.
10. In the Valencian Community, the following health departments:
a) In the province of Castellón / Castelló, Vinaròs.
b) In the province of Valencia / València, Requena, Xàtiva-Ontinyent and Gandia.
c) In the province of Alicante / Alacant, Alcoi, Dénia, La Marina Baixa, Elda, Orihuela and Torrevieja.
11. In the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, the provinces of Cáceres and Badajoz.
12. In the Autonomous Community of Galicia, the provinces of Lugo, A Coruña, Ourense and Pontevedra.
13. In the Region of Murcia, the entire province of Murcia.
14. In the Autonomous Community of Navarra, the entire province of Navarra.
15. In the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, the historical territories of Araba / Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.
16. In the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, the entire province of La Rioja.
17. The Autonomous City of Ceuta.
18. The Autonomous City of Melilla.
Thanks. So in the “non annexed” regions such as Barcelona, who remain in phase 0, is it still illegal to open a small business? My car dealer has invited me for s service on Tuesday but I don’t think they should be legally opening on May 11
Check with them, or your local police or town hall. But I would think that if the work to your car is essential, and your car is essential to you (ie you are a key worker, you are vulnerable and need the car for shopping etc), then they can open (if they want to) and do work – just like they have been able to do since the start. If it is just for a run of the mill service or maintenance, then I would not think they can open just for that, as it is not “essential”. And yes, for you, small businesses are still closed to the general public.
Thanks.. its non essential annual service and i am just not turning up..she can phone me for an appointment in a month.. god help us all if lockdown not lifted for all business in Catalonia by then… what do they deaths per day? Impossible….
I think it is more ICU bed capacity and infection rates in areas that are being monitored, rather than the requirement of zero deaths,.