HomeUncategorizedCovid 19 : Phase 1 BOE “for the relaxation of certain national restrictions” for Spain – full text in English   


Covid 19 : Phase 1 BOE “for the relaxation of certain national restrictions” for Spain – full text in English — 4 Comments

  1. Thanks. So in the “non annexed” regions such as Barcelona, who remain in phase 0, is it still illegal to open a small business? My car dealer has invited me for s service on Tuesday but I don’t think they should be legally opening on May 11

    • Check with them, or your local police or town hall. But I would think that if the work to your car is essential, and your car is essential to you (ie you are a key worker, you are vulnerable and need the car for shopping etc), then they can open (if they want to) and do work – just like they have been able to do since the start. If it is just for a run of the mill service or maintenance, then I would not think they can open just for that, as it is not “essential”. And yes, for you, small businesses are still closed to the general public.

  2. Thanks.. its non essential annual service and i am just not turning up..she can phone me for an appointment in a month.. god help us all if lockdown not lifted for all business in Catalonia by then… what do they want..zero deaths per day? Impossible….

    • I think it is more ICU bed capacity and infection rates in areas that are being monitored, rather than the requirement of zero deaths,.

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