Popular streaming app Mobdro not working and closed down?
Popular streaming app Mobdro not working and closed down?
Mobdro is an app which allows you to watch Live TV, Movies and TV Shows from around the world completely FREE. Many users use it to watch football matches, due to the number of sports channels that the app streams.
But in the last 24 hours, users have been reporting that the app, and its website, has gone offline and is no longer working. When trying to access a stream on Mobdro, users are seeing a “Can’t load data. Check your connection” error message.
Various rumours about the app being updates, a server update or problem have been circulating. But numerous sources around the internet are saying that the app has been closed down due to legal issues.
A user on Reddit has posted that
“Mobdro no longer works because access to the streams has been eliminated due to legal proceedings for infringement of protected content.
Indian cricket association denounced Mobdro for broadcasting the Premier League of that country without authorization. Due to this, the application domains have been closed, including those that update the app to provide you with the links to the different broadcasts of the channels.
With the application and the official Mobdro website out of circulation, it is best to refrain from searching for the software and downloading it: the possibility that it is infected is very high.
The streaming service is no longer active.”
And links to a database with the claim.
The Mobdro android app was a “unverified” app. This means the app is not readily available through an official app stores such as Amazon or Google Play, and as such has to be “sideloaded” onto a streaming device.
It was popular for people to watch Live TV on a Firestick, or Android box. So if you bought one of these devices from someone, hopefully they also installed some alternate apps for you to use.
So it looks like the many users will now have to look for and use an alternate app for streaming, of which there are quite a few around.
Popular streaming app Mobdro not working and closed down? — No Comments
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