BBC SD channels move to their final frequency before closure in March 2024
The BBC’s standard definition (SD) channels have now completed their migration to their final satellite frequency. They will be here until their permanent closure in March 2024. These SD versions of BBC channels carry NO local news variations.
During the BBC SD to HD channel migration, the SD channels were moved to a temporary frequency
, 12422H, tp37. For some viewers in Spain, this frequency is tricky to receive, resulting in a loss of BBC TV and radio channels.
For more information, click on the video below:
This past week, a full copy of the BBC SD TV channels on 12422H appeared on 10803H. 10803H is a BBC owned transponder, which house SD channels prior to the SD to HD migration.
Yesterday, Wednesday 8th March 2023, Sky and Freesat satellite receivers were updated to receive signals from the new frequency.
This 10803H frequency is easier to receive than the temporary 12422H frequency, meaning viewers in areas of Spain have seen their SD BBC TV and radio channels return. Viewers using other makes of satellite receivers, or TVs with built in satellite receivers will have to perform a channel scan to receive these SD channels on their new frequency.
There are still TWO BBC HD channels operating on “borrowed” Sky frequencies, BBC One South HD and BBC Two Northern Ireland HD, which are expected to be moved to BBC owned frequencies in the near future.
BBC SD channels move to their final frequency before closure in March 2024 — No Comments
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