A shortage of Android developers among the Kodi team is putting the future of Kodi on Android and the Fire TV in jeopardy. In a blog post, Nathan Betzen, president of the XBMC Foundation and a project manager on Kodi, …Continue reading →
Seven people have been arrested in Spain for card sharing. The arrests, in early April 2016, were made in several Spanish cities: Madrid, Terrasa, Toledo, Córdoba and Cuevas Bajas in Málaga. The arrested people used card-sharing, where one of them …Continue reading →
The UK’s Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit has arrested six individuals suspected of being involved in the supply of ‘pirate’ Android boxes. The Android boxes are configured with legal software such as Kodi, which is modified by add ons to …Continue reading →
Android Boxes Spain Android boxes loaded with media software Kodi allow you to access free streams via the internet. Kodi used to be known as XBMC, XBox Media Center, (which jokingly was also called eXtreme Buffering and Missing Content, in reference …Continue reading →
MMDS Rebroadcasting in Spain AUGUST 2008 ILLEGAL REBROADCASTERS CLOSED DOWN WITH GUARDIA CIVIL RAIDS No company, even legally registered companies, have permission to rebroadcast BBC, ITV Channel4 or any of the Sky subscription channels in Spain. To rebroadcast these channels …Continue reading →
The Italian Tax Police performed a raid in different Italian cities to fight a card-sharing network offering Sky Italia and Mediaset Premium packages, reports the AAPA. Quoting Italian news sources, the Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance said that Sky Italia provided technical …Continue reading →
What is Cardsharing? Cardsharing is a method to use one satellite subscription card with more than one satellite receivers in a same time. In practical terms an original legitimate subscription card could be used in a receiver; then another box …Continue reading →
BeIn Sport Receiver Registrations In January 2014, an on-screen message started to appear on BeIn Sports channels informing subscribers to “Register your receiver before the 31st January 2014 to continue to watch BeIn Sports 6, BeIn Sports 7, BeIn Sports …Continue reading →
The Premier League is to enhance the protection of its live broadcasts with the appointment of Friend MTS to assist in the protection of streams on OTT and TV Everywhere streams worldwide. Through its global internet monitoring system, and unique …Continue reading →
Two sellers of illegal BSkyB have been jailed for 3.5 years. Leon Passlow and Simon Hopkins were found guilty of conspiracy to commit fraud after obtaining hundreds of cards under false pretences and then selling them on illegally to businesses. …Continue reading →
Is watching UK TV in Spain legal? A question that has confused expats living in Spain for several years. And the answer is yes and no. It all depends which UK TV channels, and how you watch them. Is watching …Continue reading →
Trading standards officers and police are carrying out a crackdown across England, Wales and Northern Ireland against those who offer pirate and counterfeit products via Facebook. Interestingly, ‘pirate’ Android boxes have been targeted again, for streaming content illegally. Facebook accounts …Continue reading →
Netflix has confirmed that it will launch in Spain this October. Netflix also confirmed its will be priced similarly to that in other European countries. Reed Hastings, the company’s co-founder and CEO, said that he thinks Spain will become one …Continue reading →
The FA and the Premier League have successfully had sites including Rojadirecta, LiveTV and Drakulastream placed on a blocklist that means that internet service providers are not allowed to show those sites to customers, according to TorrentFreak. The football association …Continue reading →
Game of Thrones fans who downloaded the season five episodes that leaked onto torrent sites early are receiving warning letters on behalf of HBO. According to reports, HBO is tracking down the people who watched those leaked “Game of Thrones” …Continue reading →