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The relaxation of rules and regulations in Spain will be done in a number of Phases.

Each area of Spain can request to move out of one phase of deescalation, and into the next phase of deescalation. The approval will be given if the areas have met certain criteria.

Coronavirus – De-escalation in Spain Phase 0 – Shops, Restaurants/Bars and Sports

Coronavirus – De-escalation in Spain Phase 1 – Shops/Vehicles/Restaurants/Bars/Service Providers Plus

Coronavirus – De-escalation in Spain Phase 2

Coronavirus – De-escalation in Spain Phase 3

We endevour to make this information as correct and as up to date as possible. But if you are unsure, then either read the relevant BOE direct from the government, or speak to your town hall or police.


The information in this article is valid as of the 4th of May for the Islands Formentera, La Gomera,
Hierro and La Graciosa
and for other areas in Spain when they proceed to Phase One of the De-escalation process.

Vulnerable people may use the options provided in this order as long as their clinical condition is controlled and allows it, and maintaining rigorous protection measures. People who have symptoms or are in home isolation due to a diagnosis of COVID-19 or who are in home-quarantine for having had close contact with someone with symptoms or diagnosed with COVID-19, may NOT.

Flexibilisation of social restrictions
Social gatherings of max. 10 people, if with people not from the same household, keeping a distance of 2 meter or putting alternative physical protective measures in place, as well as hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. If from the same household, this max. of 10 people is not applicable.

Use of private vehicle
2 people in one car, one in each row of seats is allowed. This limitation is not valid for those from the same household, they can share the vehicle to maximum legal capacity. This rule NOT to be confused with the regulation for taxis that came into force on the 4th of May in the whole of Spain.

Wakes and funerals
Wakes held in outdoor spaces allowed for 15 persons, indoor 10. Funeral and cremation ceremonies, maximum of 15 attendants, including family and relatives/friends and excluding where applicable a minister or similar.

Places of worship
Can allow a third of the regular amount of people to attend ceremonies.

Small shops and service providers
All shops and service providers that were forced to close as a result of the containment measures are allowed to open to the public, except for those with an area of ​​more than 400 m2, as well as shopping centres or commercial parks, or are situated within those and are without direct and independent access from outside, provided they meet all of the following requirements:
a) That the total capacity in commercial premises be reduced to thirty percent. In the case of establishments distributed over several floors, the presence of clients in each of them must keep this same proportion. In any case, a minimum distance of two meters between customers. In commercial premises where it is not possible to maintain this distance, only one client at a time will be allowed.
b) That a service schedule be established with priority service for the elderly 65 years.
c) That they additionally comply with the measures included in this order.

Shops and service providers that were allowed to open during the State of Alarm, can do so under the same conditions as before.

All establishments and premises that may proceed to reopen to public, may establish, where appropriate, systems of
pick-up at the premises of the products purchased, provided they guarantee a staggered pick-up to avoid crowds inside the premises or at its access.

Outside markets ‘mercadillos’ can be allowed, at the discretion of local governments, concentrating mainly on fresh food products and making sure customers do not touch them. Distancing stalls and decreasing  the amount of stalls to 25% of the regular amount and making sure the affluence of customers is limited to 30%. Or expand the available space in such a way that the same objective is reached.

Hygiene measures in place for customers
1. The time customers can remain in establishments and premises will be limited that that strictly necessary to make purchases or receive the benefit of the service.
2. Establishments and premises, as well as open-air markets, must clearly indicate the distance of two-meter interpersonal security between clients, with marks on the ground, or through the use of beacons, and signage for those cases in which the individualized attention from more than one client at the same time, which cannot be done
simultaneously by the same employee.
3. Establishments and premises must make available to the public gel dispensers with hydroalcoholics with virucidal activity, licensed and registered by the Ministry of Health, in any case at the entrance to the premises, which must be always in conditions of use, and it is recommended the provision of these dispensers also in the vicinity of open-air markets on public roads.
4. In establishments and commercial premises, as well as open-air markets on public roads, with self-service areas,
the service must be provided by a worker in the establishment or market, in order to avoid direct manipulation by customers of products.
5. No trial products may be made available to customers.
6. In establishments in the commercial textile sector, and adjustment/manufacturing of clothing and similar, the fitting rooms must be used by a single person, after use they will be cleaned and disinfected.
In the event that a customer tries on a garment that is not subsequently purchased, the owner of the establishment will implement measures for the garment to be sanitized before it is provided to other clients.

Measures regarding capacity for establishments and premises open to public.
1. Establishments and premises must expose to the public the maximum capacity of each location and ensure that said capacity, as well as the interpersonal safety distance two meters is respected inside.
2. For this, establishments and premises must establish systems that allow the count and control of the capacity, so that it is not exceeded at any moment, and which must include the workers themselves.
3. The organization of the circulation of people and the distribution of spaces should be modified, when necessary, in order to guarantee the possibility of maintaining the interpersonal safety distances required at all times by the Ministry of Health.
4. A preferential home delivery system may be established for determined groups.
5. In establishments and commercial premises that have their own parking lots for their employees and customers, when access to facilities, readers of “tickets” and employee cards can not be done automatically without contact, this will be replaced by a manual and continuous control by the security personnel of for better monitoring of the capacity regulations. These staff also supervise compliance with the staggered arrival and departure rules for
employees to and from their job, according to the shifts established by the centre.
Where applicable, and unless strict security reasons recommend otherwise, the doors that are in the path between the parking lot and the access to the store or employee locker rooms will remain open to prevent tampering with
opening mechanisms.

Reopening of the terraces of hospitality establishments and restaurants.
1. The reopening to the public of the terraces of the establishments of hospitality and catering limited to fifty per cent of the tables allowed in the previous year based on the corresponding municipal license.
In this case, they must ensure that the proper physical distance of at least two metres is maintained between tables or, where appropriate, groupings of tables.
2. In the event that the hotel and restaurant establishment obtained a City Council permission to increase the surface area for the terrace, they may increase the number of tables provided in the previous section, respecting, in any case, the ratio of fifty per cent between tables and available surface and carrying out a proportional increase in the pedestrian space in the same section of the public road where the terrace is located.
3. Meetings are authorized on the terraces of hospitality establishments and restaurants of up to a maximum of ten people per table or group of tables.
The table or group of tables used for this purpose must be in accordance with the number of people, allowing the minimum interpersonal safety distance to be respected.

Hygiene and/or prevention measures in the provision of the service on terraces.
In the provision of service on the terraces of hospitality establishments and restaurants the following hygiene and/or prevention measures must be carried out:
a) Cleaning and disinfection of the terrace equipment, in particular tables, chairs, as well as any other contact surface, between one client and another.
b) The use of single-use tablecloths will be prioritized. In the event that this not possible, the use of the same tablecloths or trivets with different clients must be avoided, opting for materials and solutions that facilitate their change between services.
c) Gel dispensers with hydroalcoholics with virucidal activity, authorized and registered by the Ministry of
Health must be made available to the public in any case at the entrance of the establishment or premises, which must be always in conditions of use.
d) Payment by card or other means that do not involve physical contact between devices will be encouraged, avoiding, as far as possible, the use of cash. Personnel will clean and disinfect the dataphone after each use, as well as the POS if the employee who uses it is not always the same.
e) The use of menus/’cartas’ of common use will be avoided, opting for the use of electronic devices, blackboards, posters or other similar means instead.
f) Auxiliary elements of the service, such as crockery, glassware, cutlery or table linen, among others, will be stored in closed rooms and, if this is not possible, away from areas where customers and workers pass.
g) The use of self-service products such as napkin dispensers, toothpick holders, oil&vinegar holders, and other similar utensils, will be avoided, prioritizing single-dose disposable units or other formats, made available upon customer request.
h) The maximum occupation of the toilets by customers will be one person, except in those cases of people who may require assistance, in which case use by their companion will also be allowed. Cleaning and disinfection of said toilets should take place at least six times a day.


We endevour to make this information as correct and as up to date as possible. But if you are unsure, then either read the relevant BOE direct from the government, or speak to your town hall or police.