Mag Box Help Tutorials : MAG322 Firmware Upgrade

If you need to upgrade your MAG322 firmware manually, then this is the process.

Note, that if you do upgrade the firmware on your MAG322 IPTV box, you may find that your IPTV Portal has been blocked.
This is because the new latest firmware allows Infomir to block portal URLs that they have received copyright infringement complaints about.

Navigate to the Systems Settings page

Scroll down to Software Upgrade

Ensure there is an upgrade URL

Then press OK to verify the upgrade

Details of your current and latests available firmware will be shown

Press F1 to proceed with the upgrade

Once the upgrade has been completed, the MAG322 box will reboot

A “Privacy Policy” notice will appear. Press OK to agree to it

And your MAG322 box will reboot into your IPTV Portal , or the Inner Portal

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