Astra 2E launched and still IPTV / Internet TV providers issue rumours about reception in Spain
Just because the new UK TV satellite, Astra 2E, was successfully launched last night, there will NOT be any changes for for several weeks yet – despite some IPTV / Internet TV providers saying “changes are imminent could be as soon as two weeks from today”.
This is because the satellite has to be tested first, and this is done at another location (43 east).
Once that has been completed it will take several days to move from 43 east to the UK TV slot at 28 east. This will be known, as it is possible to track the satellite on various websites.
This is assuming it follows the same process as the first new Astra 2 satellite, Astra 2F, which was also launched late September 2012, and operational with UK TV channels from December 2012.
Again some IPTV / Internet TV providers say “You will not get any advance warning of when the actual switch over to the new satellite will take place” – but the movement of the satellite to its correct geostationary UK TV slot is surely some indication!
Only then will channels start to move from the temporary Astra 1N to Astra 2E.
And only then will we get any meaningful data as to Astra 2Es reception in Spain, with its signal overspill into mainland Europe and Spaina nd Portugal, again despite some IPTV / Internet TV providers saying BBC ITV C4 and Fives “will no longer be available to the majority of Europe including Spain and Portugal.”
Astra 2E launched and still IPTV / Internet TV providers issue rumours about reception in Spain — No Comments
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