Satellite Receiver Care – Look After Your Satellite Receiver
Your Satellite Receiver is normally a reliable piece of equipment but like anything electronic it is prone to the odd glitch, malfunction or other annoying problem, most of which are only temporary and are easily rectified.
If you look after your Satellite Receiver properly and follow the few simple guidelines below you should find that troublesome problems are the exception rather than the rule and you should get many happy years of service from your digibox.
Satellite Receiver Care
1) It is very important that when positioning your Satellite Receiver you make sure that there is plenty of ventilation above, below and around your Satellite Receiver so that air can pass freely to help keep your Satellite Receiver at a comfortable temperature. Excess heat, dust and humidity are guaranteed to cause your Satellite Receiver problems.
2) If you must stack your Satellite Receiver along with other pieces of equipment e.g. DVD player, Video player etc then try to put your Satellite Receiver at the top of the pile or at the very least put some kind of spacers between each item of equipment to allow the air to flow freely between them.
3) You can put your Satellite Receiver into standby mode over night.
4) If you are away from your property for a number of weeks we advise that you unplug all the connections from your Satellite Receiver completely and then put your Satellite Receiver somewhere safe. When you return, re-connect your Satellite Receiver as before, making sure to leave it on standby on the red light for a few minutes before you switch it back on for the first time.
5) If you have a Sky card in the Satellite Receiver leave it in peace, do not keep removing it and putting it back in unnecessarily as this is certainly no good for the card and probably not to brilliant for the digibox either. You may end up damaging the contacts in the digibox or even the chip on the sky viewing card.
6) We recommend that you use a good surge protector or even an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) to try and protect all your expensive equipment from being affected by a power surge in your house. The surge protection unit should trip out just like a blown fuse to prevent any excess current from passing through and although not 100% effective it will at least give your equipment a fighting chance of survival.